Class Explorer
A list of classes

This query extracts all used classes from the instances present in the dataset with a type declaration. LIMIT and OFFSET are used because most of the SPARQL endpoint put an upperbound to the results.

select  distinct ?class where
?s a ?class .
LIMIT ?limit
OFFSET ?offset
Count of individuals

Extracts the count of the individuals of a given class. The ?class parameter is dynamically bound to each of class in extracted class list.

select (count (distinct ?s) as ?count) where
   ?s a ?class .
Properties of individuals of a given class

This query extracts all the properties associated with any of the individuals of a given class. The ?class parameter is dynamically bound to each of class in extracted class list.

select ?property (count (distinct ?s) as ?count) where
   ?s a ?class;
      ?property ?o .
} group by ?property
order by desc(?count)
Classes with common individuals

This query extracts looks at individuals of a given class and extracts other classes those individuals belong to. The ?class parameter is dynamically bound to each of class in the extracted class list.

select ?anotherClass (count (distinct ?s) as ?count) where
   ?s a ?class;
      a ?anotherClass .
   FILTER (?anotherClass != ?class)
} group by ?anotherClass
order by desc(?count)
Classes with common individuals

This query extracts looks at individuals of a given class and extracts other classes those individuals belong to. The ?class parameter is dynamically bound to each of class in the extracted class list.

select ?anotherClass (count (distinct ?s) as ?count) where
   ?s a ?class;
      a ?anotherClass .
   FILTER (?anotherClass != ?class)
} group by ?anotherClass
order by desc(?count)
Property Explorer
A list of properties

This query extracts all used properties in the triples of the dataset. LIMIT and OFFSET are used because most of the SPARQL endpoint put an upperbound to the results.

select distinct ?p where
   ?s ?p ?o .
LIMIT ?limit
OFFSET ?offset
Count of triples with a property

Extracts the count of triples that contain a given property. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
Count of URI subjects

This query extracts the number of URI subjects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isUri(?s))
Count of blank node subjects

This query extracts the number of blank node subjects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?class
 FILTER (isBlank(?s))
Type of subjects

This query looks at the subjects of all the triples that have the given property as the predicate and extracts their type if there is a type definition available. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (?s) as ?c) ?class where {
 ?s ?property ?o ;
    a ?class .
} group by ?class
order by desc(?c)
Count of URI objects

This query extracts the number of URI objects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isUri(?o))
Count of blank node objects

This query extracts the number of blank node objects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isBlank(?o))
Count of literal objects

This query extracts the number of literal objects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isLiteral(?o))
Count of numeric objects

This query extracts the number of numeric objects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (count (*) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isNumeric(?o))
Count of integers

This query extracts the number of integer objects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

PREFIX  xsd:  <>

select (count (?o) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 filter ( datatype(?o) = xsd:integer )
Count of doubles

This query extracts the number of objects of double data type of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

PREFIX  xsd:  <>

select ?o where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 filter ( datatype(?o) = xsd:double )
Count of datatime objects

This query extracts the number of datatime objects of a given property in a dataset. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

PREFIX  xsd:  <>

select (count (?o) as ?c) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER ( (datatype(?o)) = xsd:dateTime )
Sample of invalid integer objects

This query extracts a sample of objects declared as integers but actually not integers. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

PREFIX  xsd:  <>

select ?o where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 filter ( datatype(?o) = xsd:integer )
 filter ( coalesce(xsd:integer(str(?o)), '!') = '!')
LIMIT ?limit
Sample of invalid double objects

This query extracts a sample of objects declared as doubles but actually not doubles. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

PREFIX  xsd:  <>

select ?o where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 filter ( datatype(?o) = xsd:double )
 filter ( coalesce(xsd:double(str(?o)), '!') = '!')
LIMIT ?limit

Sample of invalid datetime objects

This query extracts a sample of objects declared as datetime but actually not datetime. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

PREFIX  xsd:  <>

select ?o where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 filter ( datatype(?o) = xsd:dateTime )
 filter ( coalesce(xsd:dateTime(str(?o)), '!') = '!')
LIMIT ?limit
Sample of minimum numeric objects

This query extracts a sample of a given size (?limit) of minimum values of numeric objects. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select distinct ?o where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isNumeric(?o))
LIMIT ?limit
Sample of maximum numeric objects

This query extracts a sample of a given size (?limit) of maximum values of numeric objects. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select distinct ?o where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isNumeric(?o))
LIMIT ?limit
Average of numeric objects

This query extracts the average of numeric objects. The ?property parameter is dynamically bound to each of properties in the extracted property list.

select (avg(?o) as ?a) where {
 ?s ?property ?o
 FILTER (isNumeric(?o))
Triple Pattern Explorer
A list of classes

This query extracts all used classes from the instances present in the dataset with a type declaration. LIMIT and OFFSET are used because most of the SPARQL endpoint put an upperbound to the results.

select  distinct ?class where
?s a ?class .
LIMIT ?limit
OFFSET ?offset
Count of individuals

Extracts the count of the individuals of a given class. The ?class parameter is dynamically bound to each of class in extracted class list.

select (count (distinct ?s) as ?count) where
   ?s a ?class .
Properties of individuals of a given class

This query extracts all the properties associated with any of the individuals of a given class. The ?class parameter is dynamically bound to each of class in extracted class list.

select ?property (count (distinct ?s) as ?count) where
   ?s a ?class;
      ?property ?o .
} group by ?property
order by desc(?count)